VIDEO:Cru durante 30 dias - Cura de Diabetes

Raw For 30: A Powerful Documentary - Cru durante 30 dias


É um documentário poderoso sobre um grupo de americanos com diabetes que conseguiram deixar a insolina em poucas semanas com uma dieta de alimentos crus.

Raw For 30 is a powerful documentary, in the works, about a group of average Americans who healed their diabetes naturally, (thnx Chris Whitcoe for the link). Produced by Patagonia Films, a Gabriel Cousins inspired venture, this flick has the potential of being being as big, or bigger, than Supersize Me.

One thing is for sure, this film is going to totally shake up this house. Can you imagine? Billions of dollars spent on diabetes research and then comes a long a no-name film maker and a tiny healing center that stands up and says, "Not only do we have a cure, but all y'all pharmaceutical companies out there just got punked!"

Is it me, or is this whole raw food movement starting to get really exciting?! Mad props to Michael, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, David Wolfe and the entire Raw For 30 film team.


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